Lukas' Angel (Ryan Family Book 1) Read online

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  I head back to Madison and see she listened to me and got our glasses of champagne. She is still standing with the rest of our families, and I hope she missed Marta being tossed out on her ass. I see Nikolas's date giving her a glare, and I want to smack the hateful look right off her face. When I saw Nikolas walk in with Leslie, I knew there may be a problem. Last year, I took her out a few times and found her to be very clingy, so I broke it off almost immediately. Hopefully, Nikolas sees her real personality as quick as I did. As long as she leaves Madison alone, she's my brother's problem.

  Now I can try to enjoy the rest of the night and wait for the big announcement to be made. I lead Madison to the dance floor and take her in my arms; she is so, damn tiny. When I stepped into the car tonight and saw her for the first time, I was absolutely speechless. If not for the fact Gramps George was announcing our engagement tonight at the Autumn Ball, I would've said screw it and taken her somewhere, where we could be alone. She so beautiful, she takes my breath away, and for some reason, all I want to do is protect her from everyone and everything. It is unexplainable how Madison brings these feelings out in me. Ever since the first night I saw her, weeks ago, she has had a hold on me I cannot break. I realize the announcement of the end of my freedom is not quite as scary as I thought it would be. I really am in love with Madison. Fuck me!



  I spend the rest of the weekend with Madison and realize we actually have quite a bit in common. Besides being absolutely gorgeous, she's insanely intelligent and hilariously funny. We have lunch at a small diner known for serving the best hamburgers in town. I am amazed such a tiny woman, who weighs maybe one hundred pounds, can eat a whole burger, an order of fries and a milkshake. I watch her in absolute amazement.

  After lunch, we go watch the new action movie at the massive theater across from the mall. When we get there, I realize I haven't been to the movies in many years. I didn't know theaters now had recliners in them. When I'm with Madison, I find it so easy to forget the stress of keeping Sterling-Ryan at the top, the pressure of keeping my brothers in line, the stress of keeping our other family obligations and I can enjoy myself for a small amount of time.

  When the movie starts, I take Madison's hand in mine and she leans over and snuggles into my body. I sit back planning to enjoy the film. I barely pay attention to the movie, because my dick is throbbing painfully the whole time from having her so close in the dark room. After the show ends, I have to sit for a few minutes to give my cock time to calm the fuck down before we can leave. Madison looks at me with her eyebrow raised, and I look at my lap to show her the issue. Her face reddens and she sits her little ass back and waits patiently for me. When we get to the car, I am reluctant for our day to end, so I ask. "Would you like to stop by the mall on the way home for some ice cream?"

  "Great, I love the ice cream parlor in the mall. Can we also run into the cellphone store? My phone has been acting up lately, and I need to get it checked out." She agrees.

  I am shocked I hadn't thought about adding her to my phone plan before today. She should have a phone on my plan since we are about to be married. "Madison, let's get ice cream at the mall, and tonight I will call and have a phone delivered to the house for you. It will be linked to my phone plan. Soon, we are going to be married; it is better for you to have a phone on my plan."

  "Lukas, it wasn't my intention for you to buy me something new," Madison replies.

  I lean over and kiss her gently on the lips to reassure her, "I know. Now let's go get our ice cream."

  For the first time in my life, I'm in a relationship with a woman who actually engages my mind as well as my dick. I'm not too sure, but I really think she's a virgin. I would have no clue what to do with a virgin, but I guess I'll figure it out.

  I'm so busy at Sterling–Ryan since I'm basically doing my job, as well as, Max's. Because my schedule is so crazy, I'm not able to spend enough time with Madison while she's planning our wedding. I asked Gramps George and Brayden to step in and help her as much as they could.

  To further my campaign of having her fall in love with me, I've been sending her weekly flowers, and I'm working my ass off so I can get a little bit of time with my girl after the wedding. She has no idea of the hoops I'm jumping through entirely for her. To get a week off for our honeymoon, I'm living on five hours of sleep a night and gallons of caffeine. But in the end, I know it will all be worth it.

  Every time I think I get a handle on things and get my head above water, one of these motherfuckers goes and pulls a stunt. At my meeting with Gramps George and Bradley last week, Bradley stated he agreed with Annie, and he asked Gramps George to hold off a little before announcing their engagement. I approved of the delay only because I didn't want My Angel's night ruined and I knew something else was going on there. I figured I would demand answers as soon as the Autumn Ball was over.

  My right-hand man Max, who has been helping out at Steele Co., informs me there is definitely something going on between Bradley and his Uncle Drew. He says every time they're in the room together, they nearly come to blows. I witnessed that shit first hand at the Autumn Ball.

  Like I have time to deal with their family drama. I demanded a meeting with Bradley today so I can try to figure out what the fuck is going on with him and his uncle. I also talked to my head of security and made sure Marta only has minimal security clearance until I decide what to do with her ass.

  My new assistant, José, a great kid right out of college, buzzes me to let me know Useless is here. Once Madison and I are married, I may have to start calling her brother by his real name. Back to Useless though, I guess I better let José know I'm ready for him.

  Once he comes in and is seated, I ask him, "Bradley, Max has informed me something is going on, and I need you to tell me about it. Between you wanting to wait to announce your engagement and the way you and Drew acted at the Ball, I know something has happened. Maybe you could let me in on what it is."

  He keeps sitting there hitting his closed fists on the tops of his knees, and his jaw is tight, with a tick in it, and I'm about to get up and throw him through the wall to get an answer. It's probably a bad thing to do if I want to stay on his sister's good side.

  Maybe I'll try a friendly way again. "Bradley, answer me, what the fuck is going on with your uncle?"

  "You really want to know what's going on?" Bradley's face turns red, and he grinds his teeth so hard I think they may crack.

  I look at him like he's crazy. Does he think I would ask if I didn't want to know what was going on? No shit, I want to know what's going on!

  Fuck me, I almost fall out of my chair with what he says next."Maybe you should ask your sister what's going on. After all, she's the one fucking my uncle! I'm all for family togetherness and sharing. But fucking each other is a little too fucking much!"

  I sit there in stunned silence for God knows how long with really nothing to say. For God's sake, what could I say to him? What the fuck now? Goddammit, is the fucking uncle going to marry my sister now? I try to gather my thoughts and answer him. "Bradley, are you absolutely sure? I mean maybe you are wrong.”

  "No, Lukas I can promise you am not wrong, I walked in, and his dick was so far up her pussy; I'm surprised it wasn't coming out her throat. So I can promise you, I didn't get this wrong. He was definitely fucking Annie. I do know what I saw, and I saw my uncle fucking your goddamn sister. I wouldn't marry her now if she were the last woman on earth." He gets up and paces around the room, and I can't blame him when he puts his fist through my wall.

  “My marriage to Madison will have to be sufficient to cement the relationship between our families and the partnership between our companies. I will talk to your uncle and Annie and find out what the fuck is going on with them. In the meantime, Max will continue helping you get settled in Steele Co., and hopefully, soon you will be ready to take over more of the responsibility on your own. My grandfather and I still believe, my marriage to Madison
needs to take place within the next couple of months, to keep Steele Co. as stable as possible. You need to do your part and pick the shit up, as fast as, you can so we can keep your company from going under. Does Madison know anything about the situation?" I continue as I hand him a towel to wrap around his bleeding hand. Fuck this shit, Drew Steele is an unbelievable bastard.

  "No, she has been trying to reach me, and I keep avoiding her. I know she is under a ton of stress with your engagement and upcoming wedding and I did not want to add any more stress." He sits down and rubs his hand, and I actually feel sorry for the poor bastard.

  "I appreciate you considering your sister's feelings. I will decide when to tell her. I want you to keep avoiding her until I find the right time. She is innocent in the whole goddamn mess, and I won't tolerate anyone fucking with her." Bradley looks at me like I'm crazy as I’m speaking.

  "You really care for my sister, don't you?" He shakes his head and laughs as he asks.

  "You just worry about your own relationships, and I'll worry about mine. Now go and get to work at Steele Co. and I'll keep things going here. Also, you might want to get that hand looked at, it looks bad." I call as he slams out the door.

  After he leaves, I sit in stunned silence and wonder what the fuck to do with the situation. What the fuck was my sister thinking? I know she's been spoiled her entire life, but she really has pushed things too far, now. I have no idea how the fuck I am going to fix the situation. I need to find time to tell Madison about the affair.

  As for Drew Steele, it was his ass who came begging to my grandfather for help keeping his older brother's company from going under after his brother's death. Now he has to go and fuck everything up because he couldn't keep his dick out of my sister.

  If I hadn't fallen in love with his niece, I'd walk away from all of the shit and let him try to find another way to save his dead brother's company. Of all the fucking shit I have to deal with, now I have these idiots and their drama.

  M adison

  I am so excited; Lukas is taking me out to dinner tonight. He called earlier and asked if I could be ready at seven o'clock because we have reservations at Porter's Place, the new steakhouse in town. I spend two hours getting ready, so I look great for him since this date will be the first real time we have spent out alone, since the weekend after our engagement was announced.

  Lukas knocks and walks in my suite door at six fifteen, and I'm standing at the mirror in my bra and underwear, he comes to a dead stop and stares at me. He clears his throat and blinks a couple of times," God, if I didn't want to take you out so badly, I would strip your tiny ass and throw you on the bed, and we would stay in for the rest of the night."

  I am so shocked, I just stand there and look at him without responding.

  He gives me his arrogant smirk, and both of his dimples flash at me, then he tells me, "I see you are almost ready; you already look beautiful, but your outfit is not appropriate for public viewing." He winks at me and then continues, "I am going to hop in a quick, icy shower. It will only take me a few minutes to shower and change clothes and then we will leave. We have eight o'clock reservations, and if I don't leave now, we have no hope of making it."

  After he then rushes out the door, I walk over to the closet and grab my robe and put it on and finish applying my make-up. I plan on wearing my little black dress and four-inch black heels tonight, and I hope they make him sweat.

  When he walks out of his room thirty minutes later, he's wearing a black V-neck sweater and gray dress slacks that hug his ass and thighs perfectly. I am tempted to ask if I can take him up on his earlier suggestion to stay in, but before I can form the words, he looks me up and down approvingly and says, "You look beautiful. I can't wait to take you out."

  The whole way to the restaurant, I cuddle up to Lukas, and I'm enveloped in his soothing scent. When we get to the restaurant, Lukas gives his name to the hostess, and we are taken immediately to a dark table in the back of the restaurant. We are seated in a small intimate booth, and Lukas sits right on the side of me. Lukas asks me what type of wine I prefer, and I tell him to choose. Before I know it, we have our wine, and we have placed our orders. The whole time we wait for our food, Lukas holds my hand and plays with the back of my knuckles. Every now and then, he lifts my hand and kisses the back of my fingers, and I'm in a complete "Lukas Fog."

  We eat dinner slowly, and Lukas tells me he is swamped helping Bradley with Steele Co. and with running Sterling-Ryan. He apologizes for all the time he is away from home. I let them know I understand how hard it is to run one business, much less two. After dinner, he asks me if I want dessert, but I'm so stuffed there's no way I could eat another thing, so he orders my favorite cheesecake to go. We leave the restaurant, and he tells Roger my bodyguard and Wyatt his driver/bodyguard that we are going to go for a walk in the nearby park.

  Lukas and I walk hand-in-hand slowly through the park until we find a bench and we have a seat. He takes my hand and kisses the back of my knuckles, and then he looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath, "I've had such a great time with you tonight, I hate that I can't be home with you every single night. I also hate to ruin our perfect night, but there's an issue I have to talk to you about. I know this situation is going to come as a great shock to you, but I want you to know all the arrangements we have made for you and I will not be affected. Our engagement and our marriage will happen, as planned."

  "Lukas, you're really scaring me right now, just tell me what's going on. I hate when something is kept from me." I can feel my eyes fill with tears.

  Lukas takes his hands, holds my head, looks directly into my eyes and I can see how serious he is and he tells me, "I give you my word, what I'm about to tell you does not affect us at all. I had a talk with your brother, and he let me know he has been avoiding talking to you. I know you could sense the tension between your Uncle Drew and Bradley at the Autumn Ball. Evidently, Annie has been carrying on an affair with your uncle Drew behind Bradley's back. There is no way Bradley is going to marry Annie. The negotiations for their marriage have fallen through, but our arrangement is still the same. Our marriage will take place very soon. Drew, Annie and Bradley know not to involve us in their mess."

  "Oh my God Lukas, our families play musical beds and marriages, regularly." I look up into his serious eyes and laugh while tears are running down my face.

  "Angel, I want you to know, you will never play musical beds or marriages. My bed is the only bed you will sleep in, and ours will be your only marriage. I don't give a fuck about the rest of our family. Now, let me take you home. After we are married, I'll show you how you and I make music in our bed." He then wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I can't help but laugh, again.

  "Let's go, the rest of them can figure out their own lives." Lukas leans over, kisses me lightly on the lips, we get up and walk to the car.

  I'm so happy my engagement and marriage to Lukas haven’t been canceled along with Bradley's. In just a few short weeks, I have started to fall hard for Lukas, and the thought of losing him makes me sick. Bradley has never said how he feels about Annie, so I'm left to wonder if his anger is because he was betrayed, or if he is so angry because he genuinely has feelings for her. Right now, he is refusing to talk to anyone about the situation, so I am going to wait until he is ready to speak to me.

  Lukas calls one morning and asks me out on a date. He tells me to be ready at seven o'clock and to dress in evening wear. I'm very excited for the rest of the day, and I know the perfect dress for tonight. It is a long, fitted, deep purple, silk dress with spaghetti straps made of lavender crystals, there is a long slit up one side so I can walk comfortably. Annie talked me into the gorgeous dress the first time I shopped at La Femme, and I have been waiting for the perfect occasion to wear it for Lukas. With my hair curled and my light make-up, I am ready when he knocks on my door at seven on the dot. He is gorgeous in his fitted tux, and I can see his hair is still slightly damp from his recent shower.

  He tell
s me, "You are so beautiful, I have looked forward to taking you out tonight, all day long. I barely got any of my work done. Let's go, before we are late. I have tickets to the musical downtown, and then we will have a late dinner at Porter's Place." He takes my hand and leads me out of the room.

  At the theater, Lukas introduces me to several people, and when we take our seats in the darkened room, he places his hand on my thigh over the silk of my dress. The entire show he rubs his hand in small circles around my leg, and I am so caught up in what he is doing; I do not remember one minute of the performance. By the time the musical is over, I feel like I could combust.

  We go to the restaurant and are seated in a booth at the back of the restaurant. As soon as we are seated, I ask for a glass of wine hoping the alcohol will calm my overactive lust. After we order, Lukas places his arm across the back of the booth and starts toying with my ear and the side of my neck, and I start fidgeting in my seat. I wonder if he is torturing me on purpose. There seems to be an unspoken agreement to wait for our wedding before we make love, but both of us seem to be struggling with that arrangement.

  I have my engagement party and a wedding to plan so I will be plenty busy in the upcoming future. Hopefully, I will be too busy to die of an inconvenient case of unbridled lust.

  L ukas

  M y fucking wedding cannot come soon enough. It had been hard enough to keep my hands off of her before, then I walked in on her wearing only her bra and thong. I had to take the coldest shower imaginable and jack myself off repeatedly before I could take her out to dinner that night. I still fought a hard-on all night long. Every time I thought about the lacy bra and thong she wore under her dress, it took the sheer will to keep me from throwing her tiny ass on the table and fucking the shit out of her in the restaurant. Now, I have rug burn on my dick and a sore hand from the amount of jacking off I am doing every day. Cold showers aren't cutting it anymore, and I find my patience is running low.